Just found this beautiful poem. Thought of reproducing it for the little or so who still read this space. Depicts the common religious narrative an average man has in this country.
NOTE: A silent message for those willing to seek.
My faith is righteous,
And yours is void.
Book is divine,
And yours is flawed.
I say my prayers,
And you do too,
;But yours are worthless,
And mine are true.
light is mine,
yours is gloom,
will taste those wines,
you’ll be doomed,
I do not hate you
But can I love you?
And mingle with you,
The way brothers do?
Oh no, maybe not.
am told not to.
My brothers are those,
Who share my faith,
not you,
I am baffled,
By the life you lead,
The path you tread,
The things you do,
words you recite,
The way you deny,
That you are not right.
All of it is nothing,
Nothing but a fallacy,
Even if you did
All the right things,
Even if you pray
times a day,
if you are good
your own moral way,
You have little chance.
Because there is still one thing,
thing that you lack,
you will find out,
Till then, we will live like this,
You and me,
Till the end of time,
On either side,
this grand divide.
NOTE: A silent message for those willing to seek.
My faith is righteous,
And yours is void.
And yours is flawed.
I say my prayers,
And you do too,
;But yours are worthless,
And mine are true.
I do not hate you
But can I love you?
And mingle with you,
The way brothers do?
Oh no, maybe not.
My brothers are those,
Who share my faith,
By the life you lead,
The path you tread,
The things you do,
The way you deny,
That you are not right.
All of it is nothing,
Nothing but a fallacy,
Even if you did
All the right things,
Even if you pray
You have little chance.
Because there is still one thing,
Till then, we will live like this,
You and me,
Till the end of time,
On either side,